We Support Ethical Video Production
With locations in San Francisco & London
At Upstart Media we believe firmly in 2 things. First, you should be excellent at what you do. Second, business has the responsibility to contribute to the greater good and be conscious of systemic inequalities.
With 15 years of video production under our belts, and a broad list of clients ranging across all fields, we’ve got the first part covered. For the second part, we have a Zero Waste profile, operate with a Green Energy standard, and our profits fund a Poverty Education Campaign, as well as our nonprofit Visual Anarchy. If you hire us, you support ethical video production. Scroll down to browse our video portfolio or learn more about ethical video.
Video Portfolio
What does Ethical Green video production actually mean?
A few examples
Green Video Production
-When filming at large events, we help organizers facilitate a no food waste program.
-All batteries for the entirety of our equipment are reusable and rechargeable.
-We don’t use any paper in any of our processes or create any physical advertising materials.
-We maximize our use of natural lighting, use energy efficient bulbs, and turnoff electronics when not being used.
-We participate in OhmConnect & Ohm Hour when “dirty” power plants turn on to offset the load on the grid.
-We regulate our water usage and utilize reusable water bottles.
-We also donate old electronics, use green cleaning products, and use energy efficient transportation.
-We use canvas and other reusuable materials for all trashbags.
Ethical Video Production
-Our earnings fund the 501c3 nonprofit Visual Anarchy. Visual Anarchy believes that everyone, regardless of financial means, gender, race, spiritual background, etc. should have the ability to create and share their own mission statements and media.
Visual Anarchy has 4 major areas of outreach. First they teach free video production to small philanthropic organizations and empower them to create their own high quality messages. Second, they have a Poverty Education Campaign that uses film to educate people on the origins of mass homelessness and generates food, clothing, hygiene kit, and financial donations for a variety of homeless service providers throughout The United States. Third they provide free video production for struggling nonprofits and community organizations. Fourth they host an educational podcast and are trying build a free lending library of video production gear for people who can’t afford it. Visual Anarchy believes in the power of video to fight systemic inequality.
Contact Us
Questions? Quotes? Want to see more samples?
We have locations in San Francisco (Sunset District) & London (Crouch End). However we frequently work in a variety of other locations throughout The United States & in Western Europe.